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Posts tagged ‘self-care’

Psyche Yourself Out

Do you suffer from low energy or depression? In metropolitan, Phoenix Arizona, summertime can trigger inside “blues” as the  hot, desert, climate averages 110 degrees. Arizona’s scorching summer is equivalent to cold winters in the rest of the country, so “cabin fever” is quite common.We have to be inside air conditioning  much of the time to avoid the harsh sun. As a result, depression can easily set in and some medications can also become less effective. Heat stroke is also common, endangering children and the elderly alike. So what is a gal or guy to do? Psych yourself out by trying 10 strategies that are sure to help you beat the heat.

(1) get out of the house as much as possible.

(2) Utilize public air conditioned spaces such as the library, mall, or your local YMCA gym facilities.

(3) See a movie with friends or join a book club.

(4) Get physically active by walking inside the mall, rollerskating, or taking dance classes. Swimming is another great activity that can be enjoyed year round inside. When outdoors, use sunscreen however, and limit to an hour or less. Yes, adults need/deserve fun activities like the kids; this also helps immensely to boost endorphins, the body’s “feel good” chemicals.

(5) Do some kind of arts and crafts such as scrapbooking every day.  There’s something about this that is calming to the mind and body.

(6) Get into a healthy routine with varied activities that stimulate the mine and body. Manage your time wisely; clean out the closets or cabinets. Sitting and watching tv all day or sleeping a lot will only add to the blues and diminish energy.

(7) Think positively! Thoughts eventually become reality and really effect attitude as well as mood. Reciting affirmations daily, meditating, as well as focusing on gratitude, goes a long way to combat depression and put things in perspective.

(8) Turn on the lights. Spend time in well lit areas, such as by windows, under skylights, or near bright lights at work or home. For me, I’ve found that fluorescent only aggravates the eyes and can give the opposite effect.  Overall, light boosts serotonin; a neurotransmitter found in the brain that also tends to elevate mood.

(9) Eat smart! Enjoy plenty fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding or limiting sugar and processed food. Salads and lean meats can really boost your mood and actually feed your brain tons of great nutrients. I’ve noticed immediate effects just from eating a salad for lunch!

(10) Pick up the telephone. Isolating won’t solve anything and will actually make matters worse. Ensure you have have a healthy support system of people who can listen and uplift you when the doldrums appear. Never underestimate the power of caring friends and family who love you unconditionally and can cheer you up with humor.

I know depression is tough..ok, miserable; but you can’t let it ruin your life. You must fight it every day, with positivity and planning. Remember you’re not alone and will be ok… just don’t give into it and give these tips a try. Have hope. Seek help. Notice what works for you and create some other strategies of your own. Share them with other bloggers/friends and psych yourself out today!

Putting Your Body First!


What does putting your body first mean? Eating a balanced diet? Exercising? Drinking lots of water? Getting plenty of rest? Perhaps all of these things. Maybe even a few more. I’m learning that putting my body first means doing what my body needs to live a long and healthy life; not what ” I feel like doing”. It means being active and eating nourishing foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It means listening to my body’s signals and paying attention to it’s warning signs. It means making a personal commitment to my health and well-being. What does it mean to you?

We’re all different in this life; with different bodies and different lifestyles, yet we all have the same physical needs as human beings. We need oxygen to breathe and food to live. We need clean water and shelter to protect us from exposure. We need regular exercise/movement in order to maintain our muscles, flexibility, protect our bones and stay strong. These are the more primitive, physical requirements, of our species.

How often do we think about these basic requirements that our body needs to survive? For me, not enough. How about you? I know I’m not alone in body rejection, self-sabotage, and bad habits. Yet, I keep doing it… even when I “know better”.  After years of diet and exercise education I “know” what to do and yet mustering up the motivation…determination…and energy to do it ebbs and flows. I’ve gone through periods of being a health fanatic, exercising daily; sometimes twice or more a day and eating restrictively. I’ve also gone through periods of overeating, not eating enough, little to no exercise and eating all the “wrong foods”. Neither is a good place to be and both cry of self- rejection and hatred.  Being 36, I’m realizing this battle isn’t working for me and I’m fighting the clock. We all are, because life is short and to live it halfheartedly; disconnected from our bodies and rejecting its very needs. This only speeds up the aging process, causes dis-ease, health problems, and reduces energy as well as our life expectancy! It also causes great unhappiness, shame, and depression. Seeing the big picture now? Ask yourselves, “What things are you doing to self-sabotage your body?”. What messages are you sending it and thus yourself?

Putting your body first is about making a decision to make peace with yourself and make you a priority in your own life! Will you join me in this decision? Will you value your life enough to put your body first? Because the truth is, we can’t be on this physical plane without a body. It’s kind of a requirement for being human. Although we are Spiritual Beings, we are also human; with a body that needs focused attention and care. All those pesky preventative healthcare screenings and exams are to maintain our health and help us live longer. When we ignore them, we’re likely to miss signs of declining health. When we half-heartedly take care of ourselves with the bare minimum, we feel run-down, tired, confused, depressed, lethargic and physically weak. We get sick more often and have re-occurring illnesses. We miss work. Our moods are wild and unpredictable due to unstable blood sugar spikes. We can’t problem solve as well. Life gets overwhelming and sometimes too much altogether. I think this is why many people drink alcohol, use drugs, and even commit suicide. This cycle causes great upheaval and pain. It’s like the chicken and the egg scenario; which came first… the chicken or the egg? Does the emotional pain cause this body-rejection and self-hatred, or are poor habits or little to no self-care the culprit? I really don’t know. What I’ve learned for me, is that it doesn’t matter.

Putting your body first means taking a good look at your everyday habits and noticing all the little choices we make every day that add up over the months and years. I don’t think any of us want to have a heart attack or stroke as a wake up call before we begin to put our bodies first. Just like the instructions stewardesses give on airplanes about putting on your own oxygen mask first, then helping your child or another person;  we need to take care of ourselves first and foremost. This isn’t selfish; it’s survival. We can’t be of real service to anyone if we don’t attend to our physical needs first.

Will you join me in this choice? We can do it. We must do it. What’s the alternative? How well are you living now? Trust me, life has a way of catching up to our habits and actions sooner or later. My mother was a work-a-holic all her life and suffered 2 strokes at age 54 that made her disabled forever. She lost her ability to talk, read, write, and use her right hand. What have you lost? What are you willing to lose in order to stay on your current path? I’m done. I surrender and I choose to put my body/health first. Join me today.

Write your comments or questions.  I’d love to hear your story/journey and especially your pledge to put your body first in whatever way suits you.





Using Tools that Work!

When it comes to caring for our bodies there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but I am here to tell you that there are FREE tools available to help!

According to the Overeater’s Anonymous 12-step community, there are *8 tools of their program that ensure freedom from obsessive /obsessive overeating or any dysfunctional relationship with food and body image. Here are the tools they recommend:

A Plan of Eating- Creating a guide for our food choices to define what our individual abstinence is

Anonymity- Freedom of public participation or association with membership unless we decide to tell others; Confidentiality of all                                    sharing, writing, and interactions in all meetings and between meetings

Meetings- attending regular OA meetings

12-Steps & 12 Traditions- Working the 12 steps & 12 Traditions of OA, adopted from AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Sponsorship- Enlisting the help of a fellow member who has completed all 12 steps, is abstinent in their recovery and can assist you in                              working the steps yourself

Literature-reading OA and AA approved literature to stay focused on the program & mostly the solution

Telephone- reaching out to other members for support

Writing- Journaling feelings, food, and any situations that arise that trigger obsessive or compulsive behavior as well as writing our                       personal inventory and other step work

Service- reaching out to others who are still suffering and passing on the message of OA recovery

** For more information visit: http://www.oanova.org/Abstinence_Worksheet.pdf





As you can see, these tools are so much more than a “weight loss” strategy or “diet” plan. In fact, OA believes  weight is merely a symptom of the disease of compulsive overeating or any eating disorder. I’ve learned it’s really about control and unhealthy coping behaviors related to eating, body image, exercise, and feeling our feelings. Believe it or not, there are even more tools and rewards than this such as the Promise’s of OA: http://www.oahouston.org/oa-12promises.htm

1. We know a new freedom and happiness.

2. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

3. We will comprehend the word “serenity”.

4. We will know peace.

5. We will see how our experiences would benefit others.

6. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

7. We will lose interest in selfish things.

8. Self-seeking will slip away.

9. Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change.

10. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us.

11. We will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us.

12. We will realize that God is doing for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves.

Derived from the AA “Big Book”, pp. 83-84


The 2nd Chakra:Svadhisthana

Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification

According to Sacred Center.com, “the second chakra, called Svadhisthana, (located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs) is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.”  http://www.sacredcenters.com/chakras/chakra-exercises#chakra2

This month, we’re focusing on how the second Chakra effects our feelings, libido, and perceptions. So where are your emotions registering today? Often when we (women) feel strongly, our “monthly friend” is to blame due to fluctuating hormone levels; however, there is usually more going on beneath the surface. For me, poor self-care tends to be the culprit; such as enough rest, adequate nutrition/water, exercise, time alone, boundaries with family & friends, depression/resentment, or general disgust with one’s life. Taking stock of where our strong emotions are coming from as well as clearing out this negative energy is essential to keeping our energy flowing which helps with digestion, satisfaction, and feelings of gratitude.

How satisfied are you with your sex life? Regardless if you are in a relationship or not, sexual satisfaction is a personal responsibility and God-given right. If your partner doesn’t “tickle your fancy”, perhaps increased communication is in order so they know how to please you in bed! Or perhaps you’re frustrated due to not knowing what “turns you on”? Now’s the time to explore yourself. Timid? Check out Mama Gena’s a fabulous book that will surely help to increase knowledge of your pleasure zones as well as encourage you along the way. Additionally, practicing the energy clearing exercises from Sacred Centers.com can help to unclog this energy center along with the above suggestions, going a long way to greater smiles and improved mood!

Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts

Do you have difficulty coping with    change? Not many of us jump for joy at  the prospect of change, but some of us experience such tremendous anxiety and fear, that change is avoided it at all costs. When this happens, our energy becomes blocked and stagnates causing a whole host of physical and emotional ailments, conditions or disease. Overturning our fears of change can best be done through facing them square in the face and taking the risk. Get help from family, friends, clergy, primary care doctor (Psychiatrist) or other professionals in order to take this giant leap if needed. You are worth it and unless something changes; nothing in your life ever will. Whatever you do, don’t allow this fear to take over your life; playing safe = staying small!

Purify Your Habits!

Along with detoxifying our body temple by eating pure food and drinks, we  need to purify our habits so they support our new way of living. This includes being mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and life choices.

Cultivating personal awareness of the motives behind our actions go a long  way to re-balancing more than our diet. Practicing radical self-care through  life-affirming habits like yoga and massage, along with time for inner  reflection and self-acceptance, impact our physiology as well as  psychology. One impacts the other in creating an acidic or alkaline environment within the body regardless of our best nutritional choices.

Struggling over finances, challenges at work, or difficult relationships increase stress reactions that poison the body from the inside out. Over time, chronic stress takes its tole diminishing our capacity to metabolize food normally, think rationally, sleep, and manage our emotions effectively. According to Dr. Theordore A. Baroody of the book Alkalize or Die, “any stressor that the mind or body interprets and internalizes as too much to deal with, leaves an acidic residue”.

So how do we undo all the damage caused by leading a stressful lifestyle? The answer is simple; shift your perspective to change your habits. Practice centering activities that ground you in love, wisdom, strength, faith, and gratitude. These activities will immediately change your perspective for the better, supporting alkalinity and thus promote balanced health. Try starting your day with prayer and meditation or read uplifting literature while listening to soft music that allows for deep reflection and concentration. Enjoy the art of journaling your feelings, dreams, and blessings daily, to purify your heart and soul; avoiding stress from becoming chronic. Utilizing one or more of these activities on a regular basis will serve to maintain balanced living forever.

I can testify to the fact that these practices really work, and over time, become habitual ways of life that help me make better choices and increase positive feelings about my body and life.  It is a gentler method of changing that is stronger than will power alone and truly allows me to come home to my body and thus my Self (Soul/Spirit) in a way I never could before.

For more information about chronic stress, its harmful impact on the body, and more suggestions for combating it, follow the links below.


Lisa Marie




