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Posts tagged ‘wisdom’

Listen to Your Body!

                Listen to your body or it will get your attention, one way or another. Lately, I’ve had a host of physical challenges from twisting my ankle to catching a nasty cold and now hurting my back.  Apparently, I haven’t been listening to my body’s message for some attention.  Like many of us, I have been ignoring a call for more exercise. Of course January is the time of year many people resolve to lose weight and be more active.  I am no exception and because I haven’t followed through, my body has gone to extremes to get my attention. How about you?

          What message is your body trying to send to you?  Perhaps a plea for movement, more vegetables, or just some good old fashioned rest is in order. Maybe your body is sluggish from junk food and simply wants to detox with lots of water and fruit. Whatever your intuition is telling you to do, your body is constantly trying to communicate with you. The key is to plug into your body and heed it’s innate wisdom. See, the body only wants to be healthy and in balance. It’s main objective is to keep you alive and well. When we don’t listen, it gets our attention in other ways like illness, aches and pains. When we don’t pay attention to these, the body sends even stronger messages with digestive disorders, heart problems, ulcers, or even cancer. The bad habits we engage in regularly, sabotage our body’s ability to maintain optimal health. So why do we do it?

         The majority of human beings use food for emotional comfort or to cope with stress. This habit inhibits the ability to listen to your body clearly. Sugar and white flour adversely effect many people, similar to alcohol intoxication. Millions of people have gluten and other food allergies and struggle with diabetes. Most people aren’t even aware of the correlation between food, beverage choices and negative lifestyle habits that cause a host of physical and emotional symptoms. Some research says the pesticides in our food and water are to blame and claim organic is the best option.  Listening to your body requires slowing down enough to really pay attention to the physical messages that are being sent to you all the time.  So how do we do it?

      Try this simple exercise… Close your eyes and take several deep breaths scanning your entire body for any discomfort. Start from the tips of your toes and move up all the way to head, not forgetting your arms, hands and fingers. Notice your lungs filling with oxygen and your diaphragm exhaling carbon dioxide.  Listen to the sound or rhythm of  your heartbeat. Pay special attention to any aches or pains you may be experiencing. Breathe into them and ask yourself what their deeper message is for you. Allow the answers from your body to bubble forth. Be open to it. Stay with it for at least five minutes. Afterwards, journal your experience, paying special attention to whatever messages your body has just revealed. Repeat this process at least once a day and try extending it gradually to multiple times per day.  This process will help get you in touch with your body in a positive and loving way, communicating often so that it doesn’t have to grab your attention in negative or unexpected ways. If this process is challenging for you, good, that is to be expected. Rest assured however, this process will get easier the more you practice.  Soon you will develop a new relationship with your body. The next step, is following the message.

I will talk more about this in my next post… Meanwhile, see the miracles unfold before you…within you. Listen to your body for once and give it a voice. You will be astounded!

Purify Your Habits!

Along with detoxifying our body temple by eating pure food and drinks, we  need to purify our habits so they support our new way of living. This includes being mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and life choices.

Cultivating personal awareness of the motives behind our actions go a long  way to re-balancing more than our diet. Practicing radical self-care through  life-affirming habits like yoga and massage, along with time for inner  reflection and self-acceptance, impact our physiology as well as  psychology. One impacts the other in creating an acidic or alkaline environment within the body regardless of our best nutritional choices.

Struggling over finances, challenges at work, or difficult relationships increase stress reactions that poison the body from the inside out. Over time, chronic stress takes its tole diminishing our capacity to metabolize food normally, think rationally, sleep, and manage our emotions effectively. According to Dr. Theordore A. Baroody of the book Alkalize or Die, “any stressor that the mind or body interprets and internalizes as too much to deal with, leaves an acidic residue”.

So how do we undo all the damage caused by leading a stressful lifestyle? The answer is simple; shift your perspective to change your habits. Practice centering activities that ground you in love, wisdom, strength, faith, and gratitude. These activities will immediately change your perspective for the better, supporting alkalinity and thus promote balanced health. Try starting your day with prayer and meditation or read uplifting literature while listening to soft music that allows for deep reflection and concentration. Enjoy the art of journaling your feelings, dreams, and blessings daily, to purify your heart and soul; avoiding stress from becoming chronic. Utilizing one or more of these activities on a regular basis will serve to maintain balanced living forever.

I can testify to the fact that these practices really work, and over time, become habitual ways of life that help me make better choices and increase positive feelings about my body and life.  It is a gentler method of changing that is stronger than will power alone and truly allows me to come home to my body and thus my Self (Soul/Spirit) in a way I never could before.

For more information about chronic stress, its harmful impact on the body, and more suggestions for combating it, follow the links below.


Lisa Marie




