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Psyche Yourself Out

Do you suffer from low energy or depression? In metropolitan, Phoenix Arizona, summertime can trigger inside “blues” as the  hot, desert, climate averages 110 degrees. Arizona’s scorching summer is equivalent to cold winters in the rest of the country, so “cabin fever” is quite common.We have to be inside air conditioning  much of the time to avoid the harsh sun. As a result, depression can easily set in and some medications can also become less effective. Heat stroke is also common, endangering children and the elderly alike. So what is a gal or guy to do? Psych yourself out by trying 10 strategies that are sure to help you beat the heat.

(1) get out of the house as much as possible.

(2) Utilize public air conditioned spaces such as the library, mall, or your local YMCA gym facilities.

(3) See a movie with friends or join a book club.

(4) Get physically active by walking inside the mall, rollerskating, or taking dance classes. Swimming is another great activity that can be enjoyed year round inside. When outdoors, use sunscreen however, and limit to an hour or less. Yes, adults need/deserve fun activities like the kids; this also helps immensely to boost endorphins, the body’s “feel good” chemicals.

(5) Do some kind of arts and crafts such as scrapbooking every day.  There’s something about this that is calming to the mind and body.

(6) Get into a healthy routine with varied activities that stimulate the mine and body. Manage your time wisely; clean out the closets or cabinets. Sitting and watching tv all day or sleeping a lot will only add to the blues and diminish energy.

(7) Think positively! Thoughts eventually become reality and really effect attitude as well as mood. Reciting affirmations daily, meditating, as well as focusing on gratitude, goes a long way to combat depression and put things in perspective.

(8) Turn on the lights. Spend time in well lit areas, such as by windows, under skylights, or near bright lights at work or home. For me, I’ve found that fluorescent only aggravates the eyes and can give the opposite effect.  Overall, light boosts serotonin; a neurotransmitter found in the brain that also tends to elevate mood.

(9) Eat smart! Enjoy plenty fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding or limiting sugar and processed food. Salads and lean meats can really boost your mood and actually feed your brain tons of great nutrients. I’ve noticed immediate effects just from eating a salad for lunch!

(10) Pick up the telephone. Isolating won’t solve anything and will actually make matters worse. Ensure you have have a healthy support system of people who can listen and uplift you when the doldrums appear. Never underestimate the power of caring friends and family who love you unconditionally and can cheer you up with humor.

I know depression is tough..ok, miserable; but you can’t let it ruin your life. You must fight it every day, with positivity and planning. Remember you’re not alone and will be ok… just don’t give into it and give these tips a try. Have hope. Seek help. Notice what works for you and create some other strategies of your own. Share them with other bloggers/friends and psych yourself out today!