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Posts tagged ‘negative energy’

The 2nd Chakra:Svadhisthana

Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification

According to Sacred Center.com, “the second chakra, called Svadhisthana, (located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs) is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.”  http://www.sacredcenters.com/chakras/chakra-exercises#chakra2

This month, we’re focusing on how the second Chakra effects our feelings, libido, and perceptions. So where are your emotions registering today? Often when we (women) feel strongly, our “monthly friend” is to blame due to fluctuating hormone levels; however, there is usually more going on beneath the surface. For me, poor self-care tends to be the culprit; such as enough rest, adequate nutrition/water, exercise, time alone, boundaries with family & friends, depression/resentment, or general disgust with one’s life. Taking stock of where our strong emotions are coming from as well as clearing out this negative energy is essential to keeping our energy flowing which helps with digestion, satisfaction, and feelings of gratitude.

How satisfied are you with your sex life? Regardless if you are in a relationship or not, sexual satisfaction is a personal responsibility and God-given right. If your partner doesn’t “tickle your fancy”, perhaps increased communication is in order so they know how to please you in bed! Or perhaps you’re frustrated due to not knowing what “turns you on”? Now’s the time to explore yourself. Timid? Check out Mama Gena’s a fabulous book that will surely help to increase knowledge of your pleasure zones as well as encourage you along the way. Additionally, practicing the energy clearing exercises from Sacred Centers.com can help to unclog this energy center along with the above suggestions, going a long way to greater smiles and improved mood!

Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts

Do you have difficulty coping with    change? Not many of us jump for joy at  the prospect of change, but some of us experience such tremendous anxiety and fear, that change is avoided it at all costs. When this happens, our energy becomes blocked and stagnates causing a whole host of physical and emotional ailments, conditions or disease. Overturning our fears of change can best be done through facing them square in the face and taking the risk. Get help from family, friends, clergy, primary care doctor (Psychiatrist) or other professionals in order to take this giant leap if needed. You are worth it and unless something changes; nothing in your life ever will. Whatever you do, don’t allow this fear to take over your life; playing safe = staying small!

Detox Your Temple part 2

So I’ve been trying this new pH balanced food plan paying close attention to eating alkaline rich foods. Notice the picture of such foods to the left, as these are all highly alkaline forming. There are others too, besides greens, but I liked this pix best.

To recap from my last post, everything we eat and drink is either acid or alkaline forming.  All processed, fast, fried, and packaged food is acid forming along with meat, dairy, baked goods, sugar, soda, sports drinks, and coffee. Greens, most nuts and beans, fruit, lemons, brown & wild rice, herbs, seeds, and flax oil are alkaline forming. Our thoughts, feelings, and environment are also important contributors to pH levels; stress being the number one culprit to increased acid levels which create breeding grounds for illness and disease.

I’ve chosen to try this new way of eating/living, due to wide-spread, physical pain, extreme fatigue, and chronic skin problems. Not to mention, it’s supposed to help balance weight, increase energy, and help with mental clarity;  all of which are pretty great reasons to make some healthy changes.

In order to monitor my progress, I’ve purchased special pH testing strips to check my levels throughout the day via saliva and urine. These can be purchased at Sprouts, other health food stores, or online. My previous post lists web addresses for more information. I’ve actually found it to be fun testing my levels four times a day. I mean, we all have to relieve ourselves anyway, right? Recording these levels on a specific chart along with food journaling really helps to increase personal awareness of how our bodies react/digest the foods we eat. I’ve found that relying on just how I feel isn’t helpful enough to guide me towards better health as feelings are highly variable.

As I’ve become more educated on this topic, and on my own body, I’ve learned that even making an effort towards this new direction has yielded positive results. I have gone from almost completely acidic pH levels  to predominately alkaline while having more energy than I’ve had all summer! I’m drinking more lemon water than I ever have before… 5 glasses (10 cups, which is based on the amount needed based upon my current weight- more on that later) and although I haven’t gotten away from all the “forbidden” food- ice cream, chocolate, meat and dairy- things are still looking up and it’s been well worth the effort.  I’m cultivating positive changes that will help me live longer and avoid dangerous illness/disease or reverse ones I already have.

Each week I will write more about my journey and share additional information and insights from various experts with you. I look forward to hearing your comments and of course support.

Blessings to All

Love your Breasts!

Hi girls!

Have you ever felt self-conscious about your breasts? Did an old boyfriend, partner, sibling, or stranger say something unflattering about the twins? If so, you’re not alone. Many woman have been subjected to unfair comparisons to models, actresses, or others who happen to be the idealized version of perfection. Even when others aren’t mocking us, our inner critic tends to rip us to shreds about the tiniest imperfections.  This doesn’t bode well for our self-esteem or self-image.

Turning to plastic surgery in order to change how your body looks, won’t change how you feel about your body.  By chasing outside procedures as a way to “fit in” or “feel better” you only compound a larger problem while ignoring the root cause.  Poor body image and low self-esteem.  If you don’t love your breasts, then chances are you don’t love other parts of yourself since how can we truly love anything in pieces? Love and acceptance are intertwined; two sides of the same coin. When we feel love and hate for ourselves, the result is confusion, shame, and depression. Surgery can’t take this away.

Negative comments about our breasts also bring negative energy to them, hurting more than our morale, increasing susceptibility to illness and dis-ease. Look at the rise in breast cancer, heart-disease, and stroke in woman?  You have to admit,  it’s more than a coincidence.  There is a link between how we feel about ourselves and how our bodies react to those feelings.

Whenever we are compared to or with another person, we always tend to fall short which only further diminishes our relationship with our bodies.  Loving your body comes from accepting your individual differences and beauty that comes from that. Celebrate your breasts Ladies; regardless of size, shape, or outside opinion. Speak kindly about your body. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Flaunt what nature’s given you and massage them yourself once in a while! (heck its YOUR body, isn’t it?)

We only have one body. Let’s enjoy it!