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Posts tagged ‘natural’

Body Wisdom

The human body is such a complex and wonderfully unique structure. Just look at all its systems, organs, nerves and cells that make up our physical shells. Today, let’s take a moment to honor our body with appreciation and love for allowing us to experience this human reality. The body knows our every thought, feeling, past history and belief. We can’t hide from it although we try with a myriad of antiquated methods. In the end, our body is wise and patient; indifferent to outer trappings with a far deeper intelligence. It knows how to regulate our heartbeat, temperature and breathing without any conscious effort on our part. The body has great defense mechanisms for fighting infection as well as resilience to the most challenging of environments. However, the body is still vulnerable and needs our cooperation, attention, and love.

Although this body of ours, is wise beyond comprehension, it needs adequate nutrition and exercise. Our body requires pure water, rest and relaxation. It can only do for us what we allow it to do through us. Body wisdom goes deeper than merely skin and bones. This kind of wisdom is inherent in our DNA as well as consciousness. When we adhere to our body’s natural wisdom, miraculous occurances unfold. Your body is always giving you messages to aid in its survival. Are you listening?

When we become ill, we often feel betrayed by our body yet we fail to recognize our part in cultivating the illness. Continual pushing past our physical limits creates unbearable stress that wears on our internal organs and systems. This subtle breakdown builds over time and manifests in disease that ultimately gets our attention. Why does this have to happen in order for us to plug into our body’s wisdom? The truth is, that all of this is completely avoidable. Taking heed from our body’s signals for rest, movement, water, specific nutrients, and relaxation is paramount to our longevity. I have spent the majority of my life ignorant of these signals and despite my mistreatment of this body, it still functions fairly well. It is patiently inviting me to connect with its innate wisdom. Finally, I am beginning to heed this call. Gratefully, I am starting to listen and pay attention to my body’s needs. The result is greater health, vitality, and joy. What are you waiting for?

We are each three dimensional beings, comprised of a body, mind, and soul. Each dimension is inextricably connected, operating in unison for the perfect functioning of the whole. When one area is out of balance, the other two suffer. This is easily noticed with mental or physical illness yet the soul or spirit are often overlooked. Our Spirit is the deep essence that makes us who we are. A person’s Soul is the evolution of many lifetimes; unity with God’s Intelligence and love. This individualized expression is what makes all of us unique and beautiful. (not the outer physical packaging) Our Spirit carries all the wisdom of the ages and beyond. This wisdom is eternal and everlasting. This wisdom governs the mind and body. Understanding these truths allow us all to recognize the power and wonder of ourselves and each other. Aligning with our body’s natural wisdom is really aligning with Universal Wisdom.