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Posts tagged ‘emotional’

Cleanse Your Palate

Water is the lifeblood of our cells and all of    living plants and animals. It takes many    forms, just like the variety in the foods we    eat or thoughts we think. Each comes from  one Source and then merely transforms.

Given the toxicity of today’s climate, culture, and behavior, daily cleansing of our palate is essential to remove all the negative sentiment that we’re bombarded with.

Cleansing can take many forms depending on our desired outcome. Drinking pure water cleanses our taste-buds as well as aids in digestion and washes away dirt, bacteria, sweat and odor. Meditation cleanses our mental palate from monkey-mind chatter that blocks our innate wisdom from being heard. Exercise cleanses our physical body of fat, toxins, and other chemicals while facilitating increased circulation of oxygen, releasing all sorts of feel-good endorphins. Prayer cleanses a fearful palate from worry, indecision, or uncertainty and restores faith, balance, and serenity. Healthy eating cleanses our colon, keeps our heart strong, and sharpens our minds. Maybe you need an emotional cleansing to release pent up anger, frustration,  disappointment, or resentment that has built up over time. Perhaps your living environment has become cluttered or down right dirty, inhibiting rest and relaxation so now its time for a thorough cleaning.

As you can see, there a many ways to cleanse our palates and the above is by no means an exhaustive list. A funny thing happens when we cleanse our palate however; we acquire a taste for more that becomes infectious, and as one area is cleaned, our motivation for others sore.

So, if you have been struggling or just lost your taste for life, consider that you may need to cleanse your palate in order to appreciate the fullness of life once again.

I can’t wait to hear your responses and remedies on the matter. Please write your comments and cleanse your palate today!