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Posts tagged ‘Disneyland’

Love your Inner-Child!

This is me at Disneyland in California Adventure with Mickey Mouse (one of my childhood favorites). We’re never too old to get our picture taken with an old friend!

Remember the time when we didn’t care about what others thought and we just played all day? Well, I’m here to tell you that we still can. It’s all mind-set.  Even though Mickey is over 50 years old, he still hasn’t aged a bit 🙂

Seeing life through the eyes of a child are some of the clearest and joyous moments of our lives because they aren’t encumbered by years of baggage or social conditioning. Back then, we said what we felt, looked for adventure everywhere, and enjoyed the present moment in awe and wonderment.  As we love our children, so must we love our inner-child from long ago that has never grown up and doesn’t want to. That playful part of us has so many gifts to give us; if only we would let her/him out!

Loving your inner-child is similar to the way a parent loves their children; with 100% unconditional love and appreciation. Allowing ourselves to tap into that youthful energy, joy, and wonder is vital to leading a happy & satisfying life. Giving yourself permission to be silly, fly a kite, dance in the living room, or draw with crayons, can actually add more years to your life by reducing stress levels. Going out to play every day after work with your kids or the family pet, will actually improve energy and ensure a good night’s sleep. Speaking softly and gently to yourself and allowing afternoon naps on days off from work are other great ways to honor this part of ourselves and thus our bodies. Eating PB and J cut into triangles with celery and milk are just some of the simple pleasures we may have forgotten.  Children are so much more connected to themselves (and their bodies) than adults; we should take heed from the lessons they have to share.

So, what will you do today to love YOUR inner-child. Invite him or her to come out and play.